Trees Cry For Rain (Non Profit/Community Use) DVD

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Trees Cry For Rain (Non Profit/Community Use) DVD


Trees Cry For Rain: A Sephardic Journey 

32 minutes, English and Ladino with English subtitles, Spanish subtitles, 1989, DVD

Rachel Amado Bortnick takes the viewer on a fascinating journey exploring her Sephardic roots, recalling the rich, vanishing world of Sephardic culture and the nearly extinct Ladino language.

Jewish Studies • Near Eastern Studies • Women's Studies • Folklore and Anthropology

A teacher's guide accompanies each video. The guide outlines goals and objectives; provides an historical time line and definitions; and suggests discussions, activities, projects and readings.

"One woman's poignant story about her cultural 
heritage...powerful video."

  —Northern California Jewish Bulletin

"Recommended for libraries seeking diversified ethnic collections 
and Spanish culture programs"

  —Library Journal

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